Day 28 We blasted off at 6:30 this morning to avoid the heat and we beat
the sunup again. Our last morning in Texas was as humid as humid can get. The
walk from the motel door to our bikes was enough to produce some
condensation on our helmets. We headed to the gulf and followed a road that
paralleled the coast near Galveston . We stopped for a picture taking
opportunity and then proceeded to the ferry. A short hop and we were back
on I 10 and booked it to Lafayette Louisiana for the evening. Well, the end of
week 4. Tomorrow New Orleans and the lake Pontchartrain causeway and the
beginning of week 5.
Day 29 Another early start out of Lafayette Louisiana this morning as we
headed towards New Orleans. The I 10 in Louisiana is on stilts for miles as it
heads over all the swamp land down here. We arrived in New Orleans and
proceeded to cross Lake Ponchatrain one the longest bridge in the world, get
this 24 miles long! Because the gulf states are crammed in tight along I 10, we
had breakfast in Louisiana, Lunch in Mississippi, a break in Alabama, and
finally supper in Florida. We have adjusted our plans, yet again, and are
heading to Daytona Beach, two of the group are not interested as they have
spent lots of time there so they are headed north tomorrow morning . That
leaves me, Tony, Shane and Lesley for the final leg of the journey.
Day 30 We left our digs near Pensacola and headed for a night stop in Lake
City. This morning we cut across the state headed for Daytona Beach. It was
an enjoyable ride through the state on some great back roads. We arrived at
J & P Cycles and the prices were so good I bought a pair of riding boots, no
more slipping around on my running shoes. We than had lunch at a place called
the Pig Stand. The food was great and we had a fun photo op for the bikes. As
we were heading into Jacksonville for our night, we rode through one of those
famous Florida thunderstorms, I have never been so wet in clothes in my life.
We have spent the evening drying stuff out and it seems we will be in for
some of the same tomorrow…crap!