A picture of Mount St.Hilaire
(from McMasterville)
The old Homestead
It was a hot and miserable ride coming into Quebec City. There was a major traffic jam on the 20.
So when I got to Levis, my stop for the evening, it was air conditioning on full and
right to bed …no pictures!
A nice ride to the New Brunswick /Quebec
border, although there was plenty of
construction. The motel was clean and
The weather was nice but the prediction
tomorrow is rain. I will triy to get a quick
start in the morning.
As advertised it rained. I made it about
halfway before it started.
It was the old change into rain gear under the
overpass thing. The riding was miserable.
I arrived in Moncton for a warm shower and
sprent time with Kathleen.
After a couple of days of R&R with Kathleen it off to Halifax.
The picture is the view at the Nova Scotia / New Brunswick
border. From here is a straifgt shot to my brothers place.
Halifax by night
No trip to the east coast would be complete
without a sunny day at Peggy’s Cove
The Small Ride